KST is offering all the services from the product development phase to certification phase in compliance with the standards and laws and regulations of the country or market you are intending to export your products to.
The services include preliminary structural examination of the product specification, preliminary testing, attendance test, and A/S, at the minimized expenses by linking with the supportive policies of related agencies and organizations.
KST's total service further includes mass production of the certified product and post-management - everything related with product/standard certification.
address : 54 Rosehill Avenue, Sutton SM1 3HG UK
tel : +44 20 8644 8000
email : james@ksq.net
(James Cho, Managing Director)
54 Rosehill Avenue, Sutton SM1 3HG UK
T : +44 20 8644 8000.
M : +44 7449 466 409.
E : james@ksqi.net
106, Deungyong-ro, Dongjak-gu
Seoul 156-807 R.o.Korea
T :+82 2 827 0005.
F :+82 2 824 5642.
E : ksq39@naver.com
107-27, Jangdeokdong-gil Hwaseong-si
Gyeonggi-do 445-130 R.o.Korea
T : +82 31 356 7333.
F : +82 31 356 7303.
106, Deungyong-ro, Dongjak-gu
Seoul 156-807 R.o.Korea
T :+82 2 827 0025.
F :+82 2 824 5642.
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